Homeschool Excursions Logo
Unique, Hands-On Educational Experiences!
a service provided by Educational Excursions

veredesigns is offering classes!





Calendar of Events

Click on the program name to view a description of the activity.

Homeschool Excursions' programs are constantly expanding. Please continue checking the site for new activities.
Or join our e-mail loop to be the first to hear about our newest exciting opportunities.

Join Homeschool Excursions and enjoy our member-benefits!

Click here for membership information.

New Programs are constantly being added! Remember to refresh your page!

Once you confirm space availability, you may use PayPal to complete the registration process. When enrolling for your first Homeschool Excursions adventure, please submit one application per student. These are available for download off the Application page.

Pardon Our Progress!

Homeschool Excursions is being
redesigned, renovated,
reinvented, and refreshed,
upgraded, enhanced, and improved!

Homeschool Excursions strives to serve as a comprehensive resource for
quality, hands-on educational opportunities for you and your family.

Please check back soon for all our exciting developments!

In the mean time, explore our websites to see what we've been up to since 2004....

Educational Excursions is the 'parent' non-profit organization....
there's lots of helpful information on that website; it will remain active during our renovation process.

And here are links to our other projects:
Homeschool Excursions
The Green Building Adventure
Edible Jasper


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